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Why Do Students Cheat in Online Classes?

Online classes have become a popular mode of education in recent years. However, with this convenience comes the challenge of academic integrity. One major issue online educators face is cheating in exams and assignments. In this blog, we will explore why students cheat in online classes.

  • Lack of supervision: Online classes lack the physical presence of a teacher or proctor, which can make it easier for students to cheat.
  • Accessibility to information: The internet is a vast repository of information, and students can easily access answers to questions during exams.
  • Anonymous environment: Online classes provide anonymity, making it easier for students to cheat without fear of being caught.
  • Pressure to perform: The pressure to perform well in online classes can lead some students to cheat to maintain their grades.
  • Technical issues: Technical issues such as weak internet connectivity can lead students to cheat to complete their exams on time.

To tackle this problem, online educators can use various tools and techniques such as proctored exams, plagiarism checkers, and regular assessments to maintain academic integrity in online classes. Online class help can also be sought to ensure students have the right tools and skills to take online exams.

It’s essential to understand the reasons behind cheating in online classes as it not only undermines the value of a student’s degree but also affects the credibility of the entire education system. Cheating can severely affect students and impact their future career opportunities.

Aside from the reasons mentioned in the previous blog, students may also cheat in online classes due to a lack of engagement and motivation. When students feel disconnected from the course material and find the lessons monotonous, they may be inclined towards cheating to pass the exams and move on to the next course.

Moreover, students who face difficulties comprehending the course material and lack the necessary skills to complete the assignments can also cheat. Educators must identify such students and provide them with the essential support and resources to help them succeed in their online classes.

To prevent cheating in online classes, educators can implement several measures, such as providing regular feedback, creating interactive and engaging course content, and encouraging open communication between students and instructors.

Online educators can also use random question generation and timed exams to ensure students cannot access external resources during exams. Another effective method is to use plagiarism detection software to check for any instances of copied content in assignments.

How Can People Cheat In Online Classes?

Cheating in online classes can take several forms, including:

  • Sharing login credentials: Sharing their login credentials with someone else who logs in and takes the exam or completes assignments on their behalf.
  • Using “cheat sheets”: Creating or using “cheat sheets” that they can refer to during exams or while completing assignments.
  • Collaborating with classmates: Collaborating with classmates to cheat on group assignments or share answers during exams.
  • Using online resources: Searching the internet for answers during exams or using online resources to complete assignments without doing the work themselves.
  • Hiring someone to take the class: Hiring someone to take the course for them by completing all assignments or exams. They can hire someone to take only the exams instead of them.

It’s crucial to understand that cheating undermines the integrity and value of education and is considered unethical and often illegal. Institutions may take disciplinary action against students who cheat, which can harm their academic and professional careers.


Why Not Cheat For A Good Grade?

Cheating goes against ethical and moral values and can lead to severe consequences, such as loss of trust, damaging reputation, academic penalties like failing the assignment or course, suspension, or even expulsion. Additionally, it doesn’t help you truly learn and develop essential skills and only provides a temporary, false sense of achievement. A good grade achieved through cheating won’t benefit you in the long run, while a good grade achieved through hard work and honesty can bring you greater satisfaction and help you achieve your goals.


Common Myths About Online Cheating

Online cheating is undetectable: With advances in technology and increased vigilance, online cheating is becoming easier to detect. Professors and institutions use plagiarism detection software, monitor online activities and have methods to verify the originality of students’ work.

Cheating online is not severe: Cheating online is still considered a violation of academic integrity and can have serious consequences such as failing the assignment, suspension, or expulsion.

Online courses are easier to cheat in: Online classes often have additional measures to prevent cheating, such as proctored exams, increased monitoring of online activities, and more rigorous authentication methods to verify the identity of students.

Everyone is cheating online: While cheating happens in online education, and there is no denying it, most students still strive to maintain academic integrity and do not engage in such activities.

You can’t get caught if you don’t leave any evidence: With advancements in technology, there are many ways for teachers and institutions to detect cheating, regardless of whether or not there is physical evidence.


Are Online Students More Likely to Cheat?

The likelihood of cheating is not solely determined by the mode of education (online or in-person). However, the anonymity and convenience of online education can create a higher risk of cheating. Research has shown that students who cheat in online courses tend to do so because they believe it is easier to get away with than in-person classes. But at the same time, online education providers and institutions are implementing measures to detect and prevent cheating, such as proctored exams, identity verification, and plagiarism detection software. Ultimately, cheating is a choice, and it is up to the individual student to maintain academic integrity, regardless of the mode of education.


Consequences of Cheating in Online Classes

Cheating in online classes has severe consequences for students, and they need to understand the gravity of the situation. The following are some of the effects of cheating in online courses:

  • Academic Consequences: Cheating in online classes can result in failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion from the institution.
  • Professional Consequences: Cheating in online classes can impact a student’s future career opportunities and lead to a loss of credibility and reputation in the professional world.
  • Personal Consequences: Cheating in online classes can lead to feelings of guilt and low self-esteem, affecting a student’s mental and emotional well-being.
  • Legal Consequences: In some cases, cheating in online classes can also result in legal consequences, such as lawsuits or criminal charges.

Students need to understand that cheating in online classes is not a victimless act and can have serious consequences that can impact their future. Educators can play a crucial role in raising awareness among students and promoting academic integrity in online classes.



Cheating in online classes is a complex issue and cannot be solved by a single solution. However, by promoting academic integrity and providing students with the necessary support and resources, online educators can create a fair and secure environment for online assessments and reduce instances of cheating in online classes.

Moreover, a movement of awareness is required by the authorities responsible for regulating cheating in all forms of education. Educating the students about morality can prevent them from infidelity and minimalize it to a certain extent.